A Year of Pointless War

A Year of Pointless War / by Muhammad Abdel-Rahman Al-Nayer (Butcher)

March 14, 2024

●One year has passed since the senseless war of April 15, with all its ugliness and atrocities, and Sudan has become on the verge of collapse and disintegration, with millions of dead, displaced, missing and trapped under a hail of bullets and lava bombs being dropped on the heads of defenseless citizens in Darfur, Kordofan, Khartoum and the Gezira.

●The parties to the conflict committed horrific violations that amount to war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and genocide, and the army used food and humanitarian aid as a weapon against hungry citizens, especially in western Sudan.

●There are signs of a devastating famine looming on the horizon, as dozens of children, pregnant women, and the elderly die every day in Darfur due to malnutrition, lack of food, and deadly diseases.

● Hate speech, ethnic and regional racism, and tribal and regional mobilization prevailed to expand the scope of the war. Arming citizens and militarizing them on these grounds will inevitably lead Sudan to a comprehensive civil war that is closer than ever before, dragging the entire region into the furnace of a devastating war, especially the countries neighboring Sudan that exist. It has ethnic and tribal extensions to many Sudanese components.

● The entry of cross-border extremist terrorist organizations into the conflict arena, loyal to the remnants of the National Congress regime and the Islamic Movement, who ignited this war in search of a return to power after the people overthrew their regime through a peaceful popular revolution, and in order to block the path to the democratic civil transformation that establishes the building of an equal citizen state among people. All Sudanese, rebuild all state institutions according to new national foundations, build a single national army, and remove the military from political and economic work.

● There is no final military solution on the horizon for any of the warring parties, and a peaceful solution through negotiation and dialogue remains elusive, in light of the faltering of the Jeddah Platform and regional and local initiatives, and intransigence in approving a ceasefire and opening humanitarian paths to deliver relief and humanitarian aid to citizens besieged in cities and camps. .

●I hope that the parties to the conflict will have a spirit of national and moral responsibility, and look at the suffering of our great people because of this damned war that has claimed lives, destroyed infrastructure, and exposed the social fabric and national conscience to a violent shock that will take decades to restore its integrity and heal its wounds. ● There is an urgent and immediate necessity to declare a comprehensive ceasefire, open humanitarian paths, and turn to peaceful solutions, and spare our country from the danger of sliding into a civil war and the specter of disintegration and collapse, in that dialogue and negotiation are the shortest and least expensive paths to a solution, and our great people deserve to be looked at with compassion and humanity.

● The international community is silent about what is happening in Sudan, and has done nothing to force the parties to the conflict to stop the war, open humanitarian paths, and enter into a serious peace process that establishes an end to the war and entry into a comprehensive political process that excludes only the National Congress regime and its facades; He did not fulfill his humanitarian and moral duty to provide humanitarian aid and relief to the hungry people who die daily.

● The honorable Sudanese political forces that care about Sudan, its present and its future must not get involved in war alignments for the sake of cheap personal and partisan gains, and they must align with Sudan’s land and people and not support plans to destroy and dismantle Sudan, and we must all strive with all sincerity, sincerity and impartiality to form the largest national front. To stop and end the war, exert political, public and diplomatic pressure on the parties to the conflict and save what is left of Sudan, anticipate the future and democratic civil transformation, address the roots of the historical crisis correctly, and agree to form a completely civilian transitional government of independent figures that fulfills the slogans of our people’s revolution and their great sacrifices, working to heal Surgeries, justice for the victims, and holding the perpetrators and all criminals, past and present, accountable. There will be no reconciliation or pardon for any drop of blood wasted in our wounded homeland.

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